Update from Julian and Caroline Lott – April 2012
Caroline writes:
As I write this letter, we have only one week to go before flying back to England for a break and I have been reflecting on our last term here in Malawi.
Firstly, I am so thankful to God that He has sustained us, led us and provided for us during one of the most difficult terms that we have spent here. Both Julian and I have learned much as we have been led by the Master. We have come to understand our own weakness, for we have been placed in situations where we have had no alternative but to trust in Him. Jesus said, “without me you can do nothing.” - Oh, how true the Word of God is! Maybe you can identify with some of the things that have beset us – coping with disappointment, people letting us down, rejecting us, stealing from us, lying to us, speaking against us and, we suspect, cursing us. But as we have experienced and been discouraged by all these things we have come to understand that they are only a small part of what Christ suffered for us. We have also experienced his provision for us in so many different ways. As you know there has been a fuel shortage but our tank has never been empty. (We may have had to queue for 3 hours to get it but we have never queued for hours and then experienced the pump running dry just as we were about to be served, which happens to many). There is also a sugar shortage but we have never gone short despite again having to queue for it.
As you can see we have much to praise the Lord for, but at the top of our list of praise is you. We know that without the love, support and most importantly your prayers, we would not have survived - so thank you and may God bless you richly.
Since we last saw you we have managed to build three houses. John and Cameron and their families have settled in well and are all so happy to be here. Every item for building (apart from sand and bricks) has been bought in Lilongwe and transported back to Dedza by either Julian or myself which has been time consuming but well worth it. Julian and I are delighted with our house; we have prayed that it would be a place of peace and that is what we are experiencing.
We are also encouraged by the church which has been formed in Mphalale and especially by the Sunday afternoon meetings which give people an opportunity to ask questions. It has enabled us to teach from the Word of God on subjects that people are really interested in – the afternoon is open to all and attendance is between 20-30. We also have opportunities to follow up people during the week.
I am happy to say that, after much struggle, I have managed to establish a ladies' bible study once a week which is attended by six ladies. The men are also meeting once a week with Julian.
Since Cameron has joined us, he is no longer able to oversee Nyombe in quite the same way. Please pray that they would continue to grow in the Lord despite Cameron's less frequent visits.
Julian and I are both very tired now and are looking forward to our break and also to meeting many of you when we come home.
The Trustees and others have helped us prepare an itinerary for our visit to England, which is contained in a separate article on this web site.