The Financing of SaltMalawi
SaltMalawi is a UK company limited by guarantee (registered number 06972024) and registered with the Charities Commission (registered number 1139160). It is also registered with HMRC for Gift Aid (reference number XT20455).
Donations are allocated to the following areas:
General Fund
When donors simply ask us to use the money as we see fit or make no specific request for the usage of the funds. The Trustees will use the funds where they are needed.
Mercy Work
We respond to requests for assistance, including:
- Distribution of maize
- Orphan care
- Children’s educational needs
- Basic living costs for pastors, including transport and communication requirements
Building Fund
When a church building is being erected the normal practice is that the responsibility for the walls lies with the local members and SaltMalawi provides funds for the roof.
Lotts' Personal Living Expenses
When donations are received for the personal living expenses of the Lotts, this is held separately until they wish to draw it down.
More information can be obtained by contacting SaltMalawi direct.